
On the eve of the New Year, we are pleased to introduce you a novelty – CreamBerry LOW-CALORIE milk drink, which many of you have already liked.

We released CreamBerry in two cool tastes: Melon and Strawberry. 0.5l and 1.5l of bright pleasure.

Напиток CreamBerry со вкусом Дыни Напиток CreamBerry со вкусом Клубники

The original recipe was developed for us by a Swiss company – the world’s largest manufacturer of food flavorings. Delicate taste combined with a pleasant aroma of melon and strawberry will not leave anyone indifferent.

We monitor changes in consumer tastes and global trends in nutrition, which is why CreamBerry lacks the main enemy of a slim figure – sugar. CreamBerry calorific value – only 1 kcal/100 ml

All our products are manufactured within the framework of state standard of the Russian Federation and CreamBerry is no exception. GOST (National standard) 28 188.

СreamBerry is created for bright parties! СreamBerry – a fruit explosion of your emotions!